Manufacturing Innovation
Manufacturing stands on the threshold of a major transformation. From the digitization of equipment, processes and organizations to three-dimensional printing (or additive manufacturing) to material with custom-designed properties, a whole host of new design, production and business capabilities are opening the way to new types of manufacturing-referred to, collectively, as Advanced Manufacturing.
How do Advanced Manufacturers identify, develop, acquire, and implement innovations in their businesses?

Successful innovation is the use of new technological knowledge, market knowledge, and business models that can deliver a new product, or service, or product/service combination, to customers who will purchase at prices that will provide profits.
In order to facilitate successful innovation, the Rochester Technology and Manufacturing Association (RTMA) is partnering with the Rochester Institute of Technology’s Golisano Center for Sustainability and the Center for Integrated Manufacturing Studies to provide appropriate information for state of the art manufacturing processes and product innovation.
Members are notified of programs and presentations as they occur throughout the year.